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Es hora de que las empresas cultiven socios comerciales estratégicos

Quieres hacer crecer tu negocio

¿Tienes un plan para quedarte?
relevante con sus clientes

¿Tiene un plan para crecer y
mantener el negocio como de costumbre

Todas las empresas experimentan dolores de crecimiento, pero estos pueden ser positivos. Ahora es siempre el mejor momento para pedir ayuda externa para evitar estancarse o quedarse obsoleto.

Podemos mostrarle cómo expandir su negocio a nuevos mercados y seguir siendo relevante para sus clientes. Las asociaciones comerciales estratégicas le brindan soluciones impulsadas por expertos con mejores resultados finales.
Socio comercial estratégico:   sustantivo

  1. cualquier líder externo incluido en conversaciones sobre la estrategia futura de una empresa.

  2. El socio comercial estratégico le da una ventaja sobre la competencia.

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Ask Us XYZ believes that strategic partnerships will give businesses the tools for consistent growth.
Strategic Business Partners can help avoid pitfalls such as lulls in growth and clarify next steps for your company.

Never be afraid to modify or adjust how business is conducted. Knowing how to begin to move your business forward and expand your client lists can be difficult, but with the right SBPs to help guide your company, steady growth is achievable.

Services​, Resources & Tools
(all free)

Identifying The Strengths & Weaknesses

 Of Your Business Is Key In 2024

What are the Next Steps
for your company?

Free services powered by Ask Us XYZ & SBPs

In addition to the idea of Strategic Business Partnerships and the value they bring, we are also providing resources and tools for your business scale-up. 

In this bonus section we showcase some of our partners who can also be a source for your needs as you are building and expanding your company.

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Strategic Business Partners

Scaling Your Business in 2024

Tools & Resources
  • Commit to grow
    All owners need to have the desire for their business to grow, however, many early-stage startups lack the ambition to scale. Even well-established businesses need to have more motivation to create realistic targets, develop plans, and concrete actions of how growth can be achieved.
  • Build broad management skillset
    It takes more than a founder to build a successful business. Although founders have a level of expertise, growth requires expanding the skillset. We advise business leaders to build a team with a wide scope and supportive skills. Hiring people with MBA degrees brings general management skills, while accountants, bankers or experienced executives could prove useful for mentorship during scale ups.
  • Build collaborations
    Building a network of organizations and people outside the business is essential for growth. We suggest a network of partners, such as service providers, sales channel partners, suppliers and customers. We see the most growth in Strategic Business Partners that form a formal alliance between the fledgling firm and established companies.
  • Establish standardized processes
    Managing operations by hands-on founders will eventually limit growth. Flexibility can be the enemy while trying to expand the growth of your business. The best way for a business to scale is for managers to implement standardized and repeatable processes, with proper delegation. In most businesses this may require an investment in purchasing support systems including IT, training personnel, and delegation from the founder and senior management.
  • Identify core competence & articulate competitive strength
    In order to invest and focus growth a company needs to identify and emphasize the company’s core competencies, it’s unique knowledge that underlies its capability to compete. Owners often fail to see their business through the eyes of their customers allowing only the distorted self-perception based on a founder’s initial vision. We advise companies to develop a clear articulation of their company’s competitive strength in the eyes of the customers, and how this is related to internal processes and knowledge. The competencies and competitive strength articulated will be the driving force for a relevant growth path in a way that allows scaling to be successful.
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Free services powered by Ask Us XYZ & SBPs

Cuando dijimos “Adiós al 2020”, el año en que los negocios y la socialización se volvieron virtuales al mismo tiempo, comenzamos a enfrentarnos a las deficiencias de hacer negocios como de costumbre. También reconocimos que ahora es el momento de reconstruir nuestro futuro y cambiar la forma en que hacemos negocios.

Durante años, Ask Us XYZ ha abordado los problemas comerciales de forma remota. Con nuestra experiencia, podemos ayudarlo a prepararse para cualquier obstáculo. También tenemos un buen historial de ayudar a su empresa a superar a la competencia. 
Nuestra revisión comercial enfatiza la experiencia del cliente (CX). Profundizamos en el marketing, las ventas, los productos y el proceso del negocio.

Pregúntenos XYZ   está aquí para responderles.
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Jesse Bruckman


Rhoni Bell

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